A Grand Finale

Spent most of the weekend following the Bellbrook Marching Eagles around the Band of America's Grand Nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana. Amazing time, and a fabulous venue. Congratulations Eagles on your 4th Place finish in Class A. Below are some highlights from the Finals on Saturday evening. The see more photos of the Marching Eagles in preliminary competition at Grand Nationals click here

Futurama Nikon D750 ISO 4000 280mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Power Quads Nikon D750 ISO 4000 450mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Brass Nikon D750 ISO 4000 600mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Take-Off Nikon D750 ISO 4000 300mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Double Double Reed Nikon D750 ISO 4000 400mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Together Nikon D750 ISO 4000 600mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Soaring Sound Nikon D750 ISO 3200 550mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Grace Nikon D750 ISO 4000 600mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

Encircled Nikon D750 ISO 4000 380mm f/6.3 1/500 sec. 

Time-warp Nikon D750 ISO 4000 350mm f/6.3 1/500 sec.

The End Nikon D750 ISO 4000 600mm f/6.3 1/400 sec.