Sexy Lady

Starting to see some Ladybugs in the wild flowers at Sweet Arrow Reserve. Unfortunately, I believe this is the invasive Harmonia Axyridis also known as Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle.

Lady Bug (Harmonia Axyridis) Nikon D7000 ISO 200 f/11 1/160 sec. and Nikkor 105mm f/4 Micro AI manual focus lens + 27mm + 20mm + 14mm + 12mm extension tubes, off-body flash with DIY diffuser

Sharpshooters (Draeculacephala Zeae) Nikon D7000 ISO 200 f/11 1/160 sec. and Nikkor 105mm f/4 Micro AI manual focus lens + 27mm + 20mm + 14mm + 12mm extension tubes, off-body flash with DIY diffuser