Sorry - A Really Slow Week

Gray skies and life's craziness have meant a slow week of photography. I did wake up to this beautiful waning gibbous Moon this morning - maybe today will be a better day.

Wanning Gibbous Moon 01302016 Nikon D750 ISO 200 1200mm f/8.0 1/125 sec.

Well - better indeed. Photographed my first Bufflehead at Old Reid Park near Buck Creek State Park today. 

Male Bufflehead Nikon D750 ISO 400 600mm f/8.0 1/1600 sec.

Male Bufflehead Nikon D750 ISO 640 600mm f/10 1/1250 sec.

Male Bufflehead Nikon D750 ISO 640 600mm f/10 1/1250 sec.

And Emma's Writer's Club took 2nd Place at the Power of the Pen competition!

Colleen, Emma and Lucas - 2nd Place Team "Power of the Pen"