Virginia Rail Return

The Virginia Rail have returned to Spring Valley Nature Preserve - nesting in the reeds and underbrush of the marsh near the boardwalk. Also spotted this morning, a Sora feeding in the reeds. Not feeling very photogenic today, the Sora hide in the reeds only popping its head up for a quick picture. Other sights this morning included Swamp Sparrow hopping about, muskrat swimming in the marsh and a snapping turtles slowly lingering around the reeds.     

Virginia Rail Nikon D750 ISO 1250 600mm f/9.0 1/320 sec.

Virginia Rail Nikon D750 ISO 1250 600mm f/6.3 1/640 sec.

Virginia Rail Nikon D750 ISO 1250 600mm f/9.0 1/320 sec.